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The Epiphany School

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Religious Education

Religious Education (R.E.) is the study of different religions and how they help people to understand the world. It teaches people how they can have a positive impact within the world.’


Intent: What do we aspire for our children in R.E. at The Epiphany School?

The Epiphany School R.E. curriculum is designed to give children opportunities to investigate enquiries about a range of religions and world views as well as teach children how we know and learn about religion and non-religion.

Our R.E. curriculum supports pupils to develop their ‘personal knowledge’; an awareness of their own presuppositions and values about the religious and non-religious traditions they study. This is achieved through listening respectfully to others’ opinions; thinking about their own identity, values and beliefs; asking and answering big questions; and learning from other religions.


This is supported by key vocabulary; identified and taught within each unit of work and built on from EYFS to Year 6.


In our R.E. curriculum, substantive concepts are used as the big ideas within the subject disciple. These help pupils make sense of what they are being taught so that meaning can be made and connections formed; developing children’s growing schema.


Implementation: How do we deliver our RE curriculum?

In line with our whole school curriculum intent, key concepts are embedded and developed throughout our RE curriculum based on the Hampshire Living Difference IV Agreed Syllabus.



We also use the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource to enhance our teaching of Christianity. Within R.E. lessons, the children will explore a variety of big questions (enquires).


Here is an example from each year group: 

  • Why are some clothes special? (Reception)
  • Why are some places special? (Year 1)
  • What makes a book special? (Year 2)
  • What do people believe God looks like? (Year 3)
  • What do Hindus believe about God? (Year 4)
  • What can Muslims learn from the Qur’an? (Year 5)
  • Is love always good? (Year 6)


Every class studies an aspect of the Christian religion as well as learning about others religions: Judaism (Reception and KS1), Hinduism (Year 3 and 4) and Islam (Year 5 and 6). We follow the ‘Living Difference IV’ guidance that suggests 36 hours of R.E. teaching for KS1 and Early Years and 45 hours for KS2.


Collective Worship

In addition to R.E. lessons, we hold a daily collective worship, which is an important part of the school day as it gives the school community time for peace and reflection. These daily worships support our children and adults in growing spiritually in our local community and in the wider world. Our children play an integral part in these gatherings through leading prayers, singing and accompanying hymns, and acting out stories from the bible. We also have strong links with our local church, who regularly lead worships at our school, as well as working with our children through Chill and Chat sessions and Christian Union Club.



Each classroom displays a reflective space, which supports the children in thinking about how they see themselves (mirror moments), their relationship with the world (window moments) and their relationship with something greater than themselves (candle moments). It also helps them to see themselves as global citizens.


Impact: How do we know our curriculum is effective?

Assessment: Assessment will take place in line with the school’s assessment policy. Identified key learning provides criteria by which to assess pupils, supporting teachers to ascertain what pupils know and can do. Teachers should assess pupils throughout teaching and plan subsequent teaching and learning in response to this. Assessment will take many forms including teacher observation, rich questioning, talking with pupils and reviewing children’s work.


High quality outcomes: Pupils should be articulate and knowledgeable about their learning. Work produced will be presented in R.E. journals with contributions from each member of the class across the school year.


Monitoring: Monitoring activities may include pupil interviews, informal discussion with staff, looking at pupils’ work, examination of planning and learning walks in order to assess the effectiveness of the curriculum in meeting the intent.


Supporting documentation

  • Long Term Curriculum Overviews
  • Long Term Plan for R.E. KS2
  • Long Term Plan for R.E. KS1
  • Medium Term Planning documents

