Epiphany School Governors
The Epiphany School Governing Body is made up of 7 Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop of Winchester, 2 elected parent representatives and the Headteacher.
The full Governing Body of the academy trust meets twice a term and provides:
Strategic leadership: defining the vision for high quality and inclusive education and establishing and championing the culture and strategy.
Accountability and assurance: having robust effective oversight of operations and performance, including the provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding and effective financial performance and keeping the estate safe and well-maintained.
Engagement: strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders, involving parents, schools and communities so that decision-making is supported by meaningful engagement.
In addition, the Governing Body is responsible for the admission of children to the school in accordance with the published Admissions Policy.
The Chair of Governors can be contacted through the school office.
Vanessa Webster - Headteacher
Responsibilities: Finance, Premises & Staffing Committee, Admissions Committee
Term of office: ongoing
Business Interests : Epiphany School Headteacher. Meetings attended (23/24): 94%
Claire Wheeler - Foundation Governor (Diocese of Winchester)
Responsibilities: Chair of Governors,
Term of Office: 10 December 2022 - current
Business Interests: None. Meetings attended (23/24): 100%
Andy Saunders - Foundation Governor (Diocese of Winchester)
Responsibilities: Admissions Committee Chair, RE and Collective Worship Governor
Term of Office: 1 March 2021 - Current
Business Interests: Lighthouse Ministries - contracted to provide pastoral support for the school
Meetings attended (23/24): 78%
Neil Johnson - Foundation Governor (Diocese of Winchester)
Responsibilities: Finance, Premises & Staffing Committee Chair,
Term of Office: 17 December 2022- current
Business Interests: none. Meetings attended (23/24): 92%
Ian Tyrrell - Foundation Governor (Diocese of Winchester)
Responsibilities: Vice-chair of governors, Admissions Committee, Curriculum link governor
Term of Office: 8 June 2022 - current
Business Interests: none. Meetings attended (23/24): 100%
Emma Perry - Foundation Governor (Diocese of Winchester)
Responsibilities: Admissions Committee, Joint Safeguarding and LAC Governor
Term of Office: 1 September 2022 - current
Business Interests: none. Meetings attended (23/24): 100%
Katie Whittingham - Foundation Governor (Diocese of Winchester)
Responsibilities: Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee,
Term of Office: 18 October 2023 - current
Business Interests: none. Meetings attended (23/24): 91%
Rich Poole - Parent Governor (elected by the parents)
Responsibilities: Admissions Committee
Term of Office: 6 December 2023- current
Business Interests: none. Meetings attended (23/24): 100%
Toby Slade - Foundation Governor (Diocese of Winchester)
Responsibilities: Finance, Premises and Staffing Committee,
Term of Office: 30 September 2024 - current
Business Interests: Company Director of a Lettings Agency, LA Councillor - BCP. Meetings attended (23/24): n/a
Former governors:
Jo Trenchard - Parent Governor
Term of Office ended 3 December 2023
Tristan Murchie - Co-Opted governor
Term of office ended 21 March 2024
Rebecca Rockett - Parent Governor
Resigned September 2024
Angela Spokes - Foundation Governor
Resigned on 14 September 2024
The Epiphany School, as a registered company, also has a number of members.
- Rev Jim Findlay (1 October 2020) (no other school governance roles)
- Rev Michael Smith (1 March 2021) - (also a member at Moordown St Johns School and Coastal Learning Partnership)
- Mr Keith Jewell (1 March 2021) - (no other school governance roles)
- Mrs Jacqueline Featherstone (14 December 2023) - (no other school governance roles)
- Mrs Claire Wheeler (23 September 2020) (no governance roles at other schools, Chair of Governors at The Epiphany School)