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The Epiphany School

Love - Courage - Respect

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The School Day

School Office /Site

The school office is open from 8:00am through to 4:30pm (4:00pm on Fridays). Outside of the school office is a parents’ information board which shows the events and clubs taking place through the week. The school car park is closed for fifteen minutes before the start and end of the school day. The school has a strict no smoking on site policy. We also ask parents to keep all dogs off the school site for health and safety reasons. The school provides 32.5 hours of education each week.




Gates open - children should arrive no earlier than 08:30am


Registration - Morning session begins




Registration - Afternoon session begins 


KS1 and Wrens - School finishes for the day


KS2 - School finishes for the day



Collection from School

Children are dismissed by class teachers straight onto the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 playgrounds where they are collected by their parents and carers. Staff will not allow children to leave the school site unless a known parent or carer is waiting.

A member of the Senior Leadership Team is always stationed at both Key Stage entrance gates at the start and end of the day should parents have queries or concerns. Should parents be delayed or unable to collect children at the end of the day we request that they phone the school office or send in a letter to the class teacher to arrange alternative collection.

Children may walk home on their own or with siblings providing the school has written consent from parents.

Lunchtime, breaks and snacks




The Epiphany School has a kitchen and cooks lunchtime food on site. The school caterers produce a three-week menu which is available on their website.

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal at lunchtime (under the Government initiative, the Universal Free School Meals Scheme).  For children in Key Stage 2 there is a charge. Meals, for full weeks, must be ordered before the Sunday of the penultimate week via the caterer’s website -            

If a parent is in a receipt of certain benefits they can apply for Pupil Premium. This can be used to provide free school meals for a child in any year group. This does not affect any other benefit that is claimed by the parent. More information is available from BCP Council and the school office. Once registered the meals can be ordered as above.

All pupils in both key stages can choose to bring a packed lunch to eat. The lunchbox should be named and is left in a secure area until the children eat their meal. Children eat packed lunches in designated classrooms and a lunchtime supervisor is always in the room to help the children. We ask parents to ensure that lunches are healthy and we do not allow sweets or fizzy drinks to be consumed in school.



Under provision of the Government’s School Fruit and Vegetable scheme fresh fruit is provided free of charge for all children in Years R, 1 and 2 at break time. All children are automatically entered into the scheme. Children in Key Stage 2 are allowed to bring in a mid-morning fruit snack. This must be fresh fruit and should be brought in a named bag. Crisps, chocolate bars and other packaged items are not permitted at break time.

As a healthy school, and in case of any allergies, we must advise you that if you send in any sweets or cakes for your child’s birthday, we will be unable to give these out on your behalf.



No school can guarantee a truly allergen free environment for a child living with food allergy. However, the school does have a duty of care to all pupils and therefore considers it reasonable to ask parents not to allow children to take nuts and sesame seeds and products containing these into school, in order to reduce the risks of cross-contamination for particularly young and vulnerable children.

Parents are asked to inform the school if their child has a particular allergy so that arrangements to prevent and treat any allergic reaction will be put in place.
