We are targeting our fundraising this year towards outdoor play equipment for all pupils. Here are a few examples of what we hope to purchase:

Upcoming Events
Sponsored Bounce
Jubilee Garden Fayre
Bingo evening
Quiz night
Cake Sale
Car Boot Sale
Uniform Sale
Adult Firewalk
Commissioned Affiliates
Here are a list of links for companies and products that donate a percentage of sales made using Epipany codes or links towards our fundraising efforts:
Stikins - Name Labels Enter School Fundraising Number "6892" for us to receive 30% commission.
Smile from Amazon - Online Shopping Select "Epiphany School Friends Association" as your chosen charity through the settings on your account for us to receive 0.5% of eligible purchases (this soon adds up). This will need to be set on each device used (mobile apps automatically relay to the "Smile" site but web shoppers will need to use the url
Easyfundraising - Various retailers Sign up for an account through this link and set your cause to Epiphany School Friends Association and we will receive a percentage of your shopping spend. Available retailers range from household utilities and insurances to white goods and holidays.
Get in touch: