29/01/21 Sorry it's been a while (just over a whole year) but we've got a few minor updates for you during this insane time in history!
Although we have very limited opportunities to raise money at the moment we've still been trying. In September we were able to sell off our remaining book bags raising £24 (these are now exclusively available from CJI Clothing). November saw one of our members selling beautiful knitted characters which raised £275. In December there was a Used Uniform Sale, COVID style, raising an additional £75 and two of our crafty Mums raised over £150 selling Christmas and School related hairbands and bows (visit Annabows for future purchases).
This brings us to January and with a huge thanks to all of our parents and guardians we were able to furnish our school staff with a token of our appreciation for all their hard work during this pandemic by raising over £380. Additional thanks go to Vinny's Trophies and Engraving for a discount on their items. You can see what the staff were presented with below, thanks again for everything they do.
18/12/19 We're really excited to announce the latest project chosen by the School Council. With help from Fresh Air Fitness, our children have requested outdoor gym equipment which is to be installed over the next few weeks. They have chosen 7 items, a selection of which is shown below. Remember that these purchases wouldn't be possible without all the great work put in by the families and friends surrounding our school so thank you all for enabling us to grant these requests.
04/12/19 Thank you to everyone who supported this years Christmas card project through our school. All the beautiful custom made cards, gift tags and wrapping paper were sent home yesterday with your little ones. We are delighted that as a result £327 was fundraised for ESFA from the purchase of the artwork which will directly benefit the children of our school. Your support is so much appreciated.
02/12/19 Our first Christmas Market raised a whopping £1,516 with more to come for toys, books, jumpers and games being sold outside the KS1 Gate after school. The amount of donations we received for sale at this event was phenomenal and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone in our community that donated or purchased anything that helped us reach this figure.
27/09/19 Well done quizzers and a big thank you to the winning team who kindly donated their winnings back to ESFA bringing the amount raised up to £394. Watch this space for details of the next quiz.
27/06/19 A massive congratulations to all the children that took part in our Sponsored Inflatable Assault Course. Including gift aid from your sponsors you raised over £7,000! Thank you to everyone that made this event possible and to all of those sponsors that helped achieve this sum!
21/06/19 A huge, sincere thank you to all parents, staff, governors and children for all you did in order to make last week's Summer Fayre a success. With your help, a huge amount of money, £3812.37 in total, was raised towards the school. This will support ongoing fundraising efforts within the school to benefit all of our Epiphany School children.
Events like these take months of planning but without help on the day, events such as this cannot go ahead, so thank you; whether you donated raffle prizes or your time, it all adds up to a hugely successful event! A big thank you too to all the Year 6 pupils who helped set up the event. We hope we can count on as many helpers next year.
In order to continue to make these events successful, we rely on your feedback and comments. There is now a comments / feedback box situated in the office should you wish to comment on any aspect of the Summer Fayre - good or bad. The box will be there until the end of next week and you are welcome to remain anonymous should you wish.
28/03/19 Another £295.20 has been raised from the Used Uniform Sales this week which smashes our records for this event. Thanks to all who donated and purchased clothes for the children and to the volunteers for making it all possible.
17/03/19 We've managed to raise over £240 in profit from the sale of the Wrens' Nativity DVD's. Thank you to everyone who bought one, additional copies can still be ordered from the office.
04/03/19 Thank you to everyone who came and supported the recent Quiz Night, we raised a total of £192 in profits from the event!
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